Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do you think a political solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will be achieved in the coming years? (Faruque Ahmed Version)

Do you think a political solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will be achieved in the coming years? (Faruque Ahmed Version)

Do you think a political solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will be achieved in the coming years? is a nice question.

The answer to Do you think a political solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will be achieved in the coming years? is yes. Faruque vs Lucy Re: Israel Palestine Conflict below clearly provides the solution.

Israeli Holocaust in the Occupied Palestine Was Conspired before Hitler’s Holocaust! Zionism is worse than Nazism.

The Sacred Cow is evidenced by Israeli HOLOCAUST in Palestine. Israeli Holocaust continuum and The Genuine Offer of Ehud Barak at Camp David (2000) are supported by Distorting the Camp David negotiations!

I also wonder, why the hell the USA is begging Israeli to stop construction of Settlements in the occupied Palestine for sixty days! Construction of any settlements in the occupied land is a war crime and it must be stopped.

Where is the peace plan Obama and Hilary?

Faruque vs Lucy Re: Israel Palestine Conflict

Israel is a racist and fascist state worse than Hitler's. Its constitution, bureaucracy, judiciary and the whole socio-religio-political systems are totally inconsistent with any civilised and democratic society; even a dictatorial state. For more details Please examine Israeli Holocaust In Palestine, Israeli Holocaust Continuum and Racist and Fascist State.

Israel depends on war and hate. Peace is not good for Israel. Zio-Nazi media, ignorant and opportunist Israelites inside and outside Israel are the real enemies of peace and stability. Sydney Lord Mayor Lucy Turnbul has proven that she is one of the opportunist Israelites of our time.

Oslo: A little European country brokered the Oslo Peace Accords. Both people inside and outside Israel and Palestine were happy and relieved as both Israel and Palestine recognised each other and it appeared that they were seriously looking for peace. Then came the bad news. A Jewish militant massacred 39 kneeling worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque while Israeli soldiers watched it smiling. Yithzak Rabin was murdered by a Jewish extremist- followed by Arial Sharon's calculated visit to provoke Palestinians- while escorted by a few thousands police and army personal.

Camp David: The talk went on at Camp David hosted by the US President Bill Clinton. During those talks Ehud Barak offered nothing to Yasser Arafat- as he was lacking of gumption enough to offer anything substantial, because he was afraid that any substantial compromise could lead his murder by extremists like the Rabin execution. So, Yaser Arafat had nothing to accept or reject and talks collapsed.

Professor I J Bickerton of University of NSW and many other experts have used Israeli documents to prove that Israel offered nothing in that talk. A series of seminars concerning Israel Palestine conflict were hosted by the
Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies of the Sydney University. Surprisingly, the Zio-Nazi media of Australia did not report about it.

Well-known and respected Australian broadcaster Philip Adams has invited plethora of Israeli and Palestinian experts and discussed the issue and they too, reconfirmed the fact that Israel offered nothing to Palestinians.

Now, the reality is Israelis have taken away 78% of the Palestinian land since 1967 gradually sliced up the Occupied Palestine into 70 pieces connecting to ring roads excluding Palestinians from their homes, farms, work, etc. These 20 000 settlers unlawfully grabbed the Palestinian land, turned Palestine into the longest running concentration camp of this universe with a stamp of infinity.

Penultimately, what is the solution? Remove those illegal settlers and hand over the tiny 22% land to the Palestinian or collect them all, transport them to Auschwitchz and restart Hitler's Gas chambers to finish them all instead of murdering them every day. Remember -Yaser Arafat, Marwan Bargouti, Hannan Ashrawi or any other Palestinians are not the enemy of peace but successive Israeli governments are!

Because, peace is not good for them!!